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January 12, 2023 – Sixty More Days

Here I am back at the beach. This time in my own house, not a rental property. How lucky am I? I’ve been here since the third of January but as is often the case, my body has not taken well to the packing, the planning or the flight. Not to mention a bed I am not used to. I finally succumbed to a sciatica attack a few nights ago (if you’ve had one, you know what the word excruciating means!) On the bright side, if I have to be in pain, at least I am looking at the ocean.

South Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

I am getting better at processing these pain flares. You know, not acting as if the sky is falling. Not questioning, “Why me?” or throwing a pity party for myself. I’m learning how to muscle through it with all the tools I have until I can breathe normally again. Acceptance has not come easy, but has come. If all I can do is lay on the couch, that’s all I can do. Today I’m lucky enough to be able to sit on my deck in my yellow Adirondack and soak up a bit of 74 degree sunshine. That’s a win, even if I have to hobble to get there and back.

I remind myself I have 52 more days here in the land of seagulls and sea spray, and know that God will direct my sandy feet down the path He wants me to travel. So far, the path has lots of conch shells, tide pools and sandpipers, and I’m more than OK with that.

“I will not show you what is on the road ahead, but I will thoroughly equip you for the journey.”
-Jesus Calling by Sarah Young


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