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Kidding Around - February 16, 2024

I’m at the beach!  It’s supposed to be fun!


Why, oh why, do I wind myself up in the messes and stresses of being here? If you’ve been following my posts, you know that we’ve had a septic system failure, a ceiling leak, a refrigerator that died on Christmas Eve, a broken outdoor shower, leaky windows, and 23,000 other items on the fix-it list.  The list is not done yet and we have three weeks left.


It seems like every spare minute is dedicated to the lined piece of legal paper sitting on the butcher block with itemized chores.  I’m sick and tired of being responsible. I’m weary of thinking more about the renters who will use this house than thinking about us. 


Did someone once tell me to buy a beach house, it will be great??


It became ever so obvious how much fun I was missing out on when I had a visit from my college friends.  Haul out the wine, bring on the snacks and let the stories and laughter reign.

It’s as if three energizer bunnies came into town and brought the entertainment train. The kitchen was humming morning, noon and night.  I could smell the coffee each morning as I came downstairs.  A pan of “breakfast bake” in the oven and bagels with cream cheese replaced my soggy bowl of cereal. My trusted cup of lunch yogurt moved over to make way for zucchini soup with turkey and cheese sandwiches.  Dinner, oh, dinner.  Seasoned chicken breasts with broccoli, pasta, and tomatoes on night one, and seared scallops with asparagus on night two.  If the dining room table could talk……


My rule of not eating dessert was broken quicker than I could say, pass the chocolate chip cupcakes with vanilla gelato!  I felt indulgent.  I felt giddy.  I felt like a kid again, well, at least a teenager! My wonderful friends, shopped, cooked and cleaned with a smile and a glass of cabernet.


“Go way back to that little girl walking around barefoot on the sidewalk in the summer sun.  Worry less. Be like her.”

We ventured out a few times doing things that girls on vacation do; nail salons, gift shops, and a few sights.  But the most fun was had hanging out in the living room and the kitchen, chatting and laughing, as lifetime friends do.


Even though I had a significant pain event while they were here, I moved out of it quickly.  It’s amazing what kind of motivation fun can be.  A few pain pills, some rest and voila!  I was up on my cane the next day.


God does not ask us to keep our nose to the grindstone.  He doesn’t expect us to drive ourselves like mules.  Yet that is exactly my “fall back’ way.  His love is such that He rejoices when we are happy. He wants us to have joy and love and fun.


Amidst the nagging to-do list, I have found time every day to take a nice walk by the shore. Great attention is also given to shell hunting.  As the conchs and whelks are in short supply this year, I’m intently seeking the bright pink calico scallop shells. Kids from all ages (including me at 66,) never seem to tire of collecting shells.  I have the extensive collection lined up on my sea wall behind the house.  Sun seeker that I am, if it’s shining, I’m out on my Adirondack chair, reading.  This week, it’s my Suzanne Brockman paperback.  And I never, and I mean never, miss a sunset from my front porch. 


“Take your pleasure seriously.” -Charles Eames


February days are dwindling down, and I don’t have much time left – to build sandcastles, splash in the surf, watch pelicans, talk to the sandpipers, and go exploring.  I intend to make this priority one.  Next week, I’ll have the opportunity to take a few day trips (my body willing).  I think I’ll start making plans tonight.  I’ll let the child in me get excited, realizing that fun is never overrated.


What fun things are on your list?  What child-like activity could bring some joy back into your life?


“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”



I'm ready for more fun! And all it took was three sorority sisters, a few (well maybe more than a few) bottles of Sauvignon Blanc and some ‘70s memories, to light a little fire under my “you know what!”


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