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Live, Laugh and Pour Me A Glass of Wine - March 29, 2022

I heard about this lady; she surprised a burglar in her kitchen late one night. She was home alone and didn’t have a weapon. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She finally thought, “I’ll quote a scripture verse.” She shouted out “Acts 2:38”. The burglar suddenly froze in his tracks and wouldn’t move. Soon the police arrived. They were amazed that a woman with no weapon could do this. They asked the burglar, “What was it about the scripture that had such an effect on you?” He said, “Scripture? What scripture?” I thought she said she had an axe and two .38s.”

It feels good to laugh. I don’t do it enough. Sometimes I get so bogged down in daily trials and struggles that I realize a little joy has slowly seeped out of my life.

“Every day we have a choice, to be filled with misery or to be filled with the joy of the Lord.” -Joyce Meyer

Yes, there is the joy of the Lord that is always with us, but the Lord also wants us to have happiness and fun in our life. God bless the comedians who help us see the funnier side of things. Those who can turn everyday occurrences into something so funny that your belly hurts from laughing.

Being a New Englander, I love Bob Marley, a Maine resident with a downeast accent and wicked funny jokes. In his Live stand-up routine, he makes dealing with Comcast an hysterical event we can all relate to. In his monologue, he’s talking with the representative on the phone and after a boatload of questions, she says to him, “Sir, here’s what I’d like you to do.” He says, “Oh, now I’m on the payroll at Comcast? I pay you $180 a month. The only thing you should be saying is, ‘There’s a guy on the front porch. Go let him in.’” I’m simplifying a very funny bit here. Do watch it. I guarantee you whatever is troubling you will go on a mini vacation.

Or if you like women comedians, check out Jeanne Robertson. She’s a super tall, blonde, southern woman who refers to her extremely educated husband as “Left brain.” She makes 7-Up pound cakes for relatives of her deceased friends, bless her heart. It seems that baking something for this occasion is required in the south. You really don’t want to miss her story of when she sent “Left brain” to the store for ingredients.

One of my personal favorites is Brian Regan’s routine on driving himself to the emergency room. If you have ever had any kind of pain (and I know you have!), you will be able to relate to when he gets checked into his “half room with a curtain, and a mystery patient on the other side who is moaning.” He feels like he has to "outmoan" him! When the nurse finally appears and asks him how he feels, he goes into a bit about “playing that Pyramid game. “Um, excruciating…horrific, would rather have shards of glass in me.” Ha! I loved the next part, where the nurse asks him to rate his pain. I’ve only been asked that a gazillion times. I only wish my answer was as funny as his.

They say laughter is the best medicine. It eases worry, enlarges your smile and sends your pain packing, even if only temporarily. Isn’t it the best feeling when you can’t contain your joy and you just burst out laughing? If we all laughed a little more, we’d put the makers of Xanax out of business.

I was having a glass of wine with my wife after a long day. I heard her say, “I love you so much and always look forward to being with you at the end of the day. I don’t know what I’d do without you." I said, “Is that you or the wine talking? She said, “Oh it’s me…talking to the wine.”

So grab your chardonnay, open up You Tube and have yourself a grand old time. You deserve it!

“…Do we want to get to heaven and find out how much fun we could have had on the way? Let’s choose life now and enjoy life the way God desires.” -Joyce Meyer


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