The God Tap - November 26, 2024
Have you ever felt God tapping on your shoulder? That He has something He wants you to do? The task may be a difficult one, perhaps He wants you to forgive someone. Or it may be a simple one, that He wants you to offer a comforting or encouraging word?
Yesterday, I felt the God tap. He sent the message clearly. He wants me to continue writing this blog. Two days ago, I got a text from a friend who follows me. She asked me when I might post again, as she looks forward to my Christian writings. Tap One. Yesterday, I got a new subscriber. Tap Two. I don’t need to be told three times. I heard God loud and clear.
It has been seven months since I wrote and posted my last article. I can give you a pile of excuses why that happened. Yes, I have been sick ever since I returned home last March from Florida. One sickness after another, one new diagnosis after another. There are a whole bunch of justifiable reasons why I have not been able to write. I flat out have not felt like writing.
We know that feelings and emotions are a part of being human and they can be used to further relationships and to glorify God. But sometimes, we can allow our feelings to get the best of us and we can become lethargic, discouraged and even defiant. I know that during these past seven months of illness, I have let my feelings deceive me into thinking my articles are not that important. This kind of thinking has kept me from sharing a gift that God obviously wants me to share. He has given me the gift of writing and He wants me to use it. I have lost sight of my gift, thinking I know best. But God always has a way of letting us know He has a better way.
“So we are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace that God has given us.” -Romans 12:6
I have often thought that if my posts could help or encourage one person, I would be happy serving God in this way. And although that is still true, what if my writing is God’s way of encouraging ME? Of giving me purpose? Of feeling loved and thankful for the gift? Maybe through this, He is shaping me into more of the person He wants me to be. He is humbling me by letting me know that I do not know what is best for me – He does. And He wants me to use my gift to help me to shine in His love.
“In the same way, your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16
This bible passage also says that we are like the light of the whole world and our light cannot be hid. It goes on to say that no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead he puts it under a lampstand where it gives light to everyone in the house.
May we all realize the special gifts we have been given and use them to glorify our God.
I hope I feel another tap. The one that says, “I am pleased you heard my voice, Diane. Well done. Let your light shine!”
P.S. For all of you following my beach house journey, the house is on the market! More on that in my next post.
Hunting Island, SC